Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Ray of Hope

Congressman Joe Barton / Congressman George Radanovich letter urging Henry Waxman to conduct a hearing on CPSIA immediately with the intention to delay the enforcement of CPSIA due to it's devastating effects on small business.

Letter to Henry Waxman

I want nothing more than to find reasons for optimism but I do have some concerns about their request. They talk of common sense and obvious issues - if anything was obvious in this matter or if common sense was going to prevail, this never would have gotten this far. They say there "should be no disagreement on this small matter". Small matter? This is huge. They go on to request "simply delaying the imposition of pending CPSC action" to work our way through the issues. There is definitely nothing simple about delaying any action. Again, the finger is being pointed at the CPSC to solve this crisis, this time by asking for their inaction on this new law. Many businesses have already changed their entire practices based on this law and some have already gone out of business because they couldn't. The monster has been unleased and already the victims are piling up. Only drastic, almost inconceivable action can cage this monster. But I will wait with bated breath while this unfolds and hope for some kind of rescue.

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